We bring together distinguished personalities of the highest stature to promote new standards of excellence.
Our committees are actively involved in defining the Galien Foundation agenda, of iterating the issues brought forth for debate, and of shedding light on the tremendous achievements man has made to improve the human condition.
- Bjrn LEMMER, 2004 Member, Management Board, European Medicines Agency
- Rodolfo PAOLETTI, 2004 Director, Institute of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Milan
- Sir Michael RAWLINS, 2004 Chair and Chairman, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and UK BioBank
- Henk TIMMERMAN, 2004 Professor Emeritus, VU University Amsterdam
- Andre VACHERON, 2004 Former President, National Academy of Medicine
- Charles van YPERSELE de STRIHOU, 2004 Emeritus Professor, Catholic University, Louvain